Michael Pilarski

Michael has been farming organically since 1972 with medicinal herbs being his main crop for the last 25 years.  He has worked with over 1,000 species of plants. He has taught extensively in the fields of regenerative farming, permaculture, medicinal herbs, plant spirit medicine, native plants, plant propagation, ethnobotany, forestry, sustainable wildcrafting, agroforestry, medicinal food forests and related disciplines.  Michael took his first permaculture design course (PDC) in 1982 and started teaching PDCs in 1988.  His current main focus is researching planetary regeneration and climate stabilization.


Upcoming Programs by Michael Pilarski

Permaculture Design Certification Course

Also With Penny Livingston, Pamela SeaMonster, Douglas Bullock, Dave Boehnlein, Brian Kerkvliet and Cassandra Posey

June 20 - July 4, 2024
Embark on a transformative journey into regenerative living with the Permaculture Design Certification Course offered at the Whidbey Institute in Clinton Washington. This comprehensive program is designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills need to design and create regenerative, resilient systems.