Music as Medicine
With Penny Livingston and Lydia Violet Harutoonian
October 20, 2019
Penny Livingston & Lydia Violet Harutoonian will lead us through a day-long immersion in their Music As Medicine program, interweaving community singing, land-based connection, and Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects (WTR).
The Work That Reconnects is a dynamic, interactive body of work developed by Joanna Macy, a scholar and respected elder in systems theory, deep ecology, and Buddhism as well as 50+ years of international activism. Together we’ll learn tools, meditations, and concepts that we can rest into and organize with, in our desires to be effective allies to both planet and people.
Singing in a council of friends is one of the most healthful, encouraging, invigorating, and nourishing things that we know. Hearts opened by grief and celebration want to sing their songs of longing, despair, belonging, reckoning, valiant warrior-ship, and gentle loving kindness. We will experience the teachings of Joanna Macy, deep connection practices with the land at the Whidbey Institute, and the power of musicĀ and harmonies to resources us as we face both the peril and promise of our time.
Hosted by theĀ Regenerative Design Institute.
About the Faculty
Lydia Violet Harutoonian
Lydia Violet Harutoonian has studied dedicatedly with deep ecology elder and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy for the past decade, learning how we can metabolize our pain for the world into energy for resilience, action, and community. She is the founder and director of The Music As Medicine Project, an organization dedicated to creating accessible programming […]
Learn more about Lydia Violet HarutoonianCategories : Creativity & Community, Ecology & Nature, Featured Program, Social Justice & Equity