2025 Touch Drawing Gathering

With Deborah Koff-Chapin

July 14 - 20, 2025

Touch Drawing

Date and Time Details:

July 14th - Participants can arrive starting at 1:00pm and check in to rooms at 4pm. Dinner at 6:00pm and First Session Starts at 7:00pm.

July 20 - Check-out time 10am with breakfast at Deborah’s home at 9:00am.

A Covid vaccine is not required to attend this event. A rapid test may be administered to all participants upon arrival.

Address: 6449 Old Pietila Rd., Clinton, WA 98236

Contact: registration@whidbeyinstitute.org

  • Cabin - Single – $1,546.00
  • Cabin - Shared – $1,246.00
  • Farmhouse Single – $1,546.00
  • Farmhouse Shared – $1,246.00
  • Camping (bring your own gear) – $886.00
  • Commuter – $646.00
  • Lodging prices include $646.00 for meals and facilities fee.

The 25th Annual Gathering

This six-day intensive provides a deep immersion in the process of Touch Drawing. Facilitated by its originator Deborah Koff-Chapin, this event is oriented to people who feel called to share the process. The experience provides fertile ground upon which to cultivate your own way of integrating Touch Drawing into your life and work.  The Gathering has a sacred and joyous quality.

Held within the beauty of the forest and the safety of the circle, you are invited to embody your creative soul. Touch Drawing sessions are deep and expansive. Deborah holds space with the beat of a large ceremonial drum and crystal bowls. Reflective writing, movement, vocal toning and group sharing are woven through each day. These creative processes compliment the drawing experience, and help you explore the images that emerge. Afternoon quiet times and a day of silence allow for integration and renewal. Through the week, our focus moves from personal to interpersonal and transpersonal. This culminates in a drawing session in the center of the labyrinth, dedicated to a planetary focus.

If you are a therapist, educator, counselor, artist, social worker, intuitive, health practitioner, body worker, spiritual director, healer, life coach, expressive arts facilitator, community volunteer or student, you will be empowered to use this dynamic creative process. Deborah is happy to talk with you about your specific interests. Find out more about this event. 


Donate To Our Scholarship Fund

Please consider contributing to our scholarship fund to help someone attend this year’s Gathering. Our priority is to make the Gathering accessible to younger adults (20-40ish) who have the potential or are actively engaged in work that integrates creative expression. This is how Touch Drawing will live in the future! Any amount is appreciated. PayPal or credit cards accepted. These donations are not tax deductible due to goods and services being exchanged.




About the Faculty

Deborah Koff-Chapin

Deborah is founder of  The Center for Touch Drawing, a networking point for the dissemination of the process into artistic, therapeutic, educational and spiritual practices. She is adjunct faculty at California Institute of Integral Studies and has served on the board of directors of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. She is the author of  Drawing Out Your Soul,  […]

Learn more about Deborah Koff-Chapin

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